Leadership M.A.G.I.C.

Leadership M.A.G.I.C. is a unique program that combines practical tools with a mythic, liberatory journey.

In my 25 years as a coach, activist and consultant, I’ve seen the difference that healthy leadership makes – the kind that honors intuition, arises from the wisdom of the body and the earth, creates the conditions for collective genius to thrive. And I’ve seen how the old model silences the transformative power that we need now. I’ve taught hundreds of leaders to trust themselves and make magic- in their lives, their organizations and our world.

Whether you are leading an organization or making big changes for yourself, this program shows you how to claim the wisdom that is your birthright. In this program, you will

  • Create your Values Star: a somatic and magical tool that grounds and guides you.

  • Trust your body compass as you make life-changing, in-the-moment decisions.

  • Recognize and lean into your unique gifts.

  • Face your shadow and emerge stronger.

  • Take unexpected steps that feel so right – and that transform your life.

  • Become a wise guide to yourself and others by learning the 9 steps of transformation.

This Journey is a Massive Transformation.

My clients say: “This was a before-and-after experience… There was life before Leadership M.A.G.I.C. and life after.”

You will accomplish this transformation in three ways:

  1. With a profound inner journey, guided by an ancient myth that will take you into the dark to make new decisions, face your shadow and claim your sacred fire.

  2. With a 9 step map that you will be able to apply to every change you face for the rest of your life. (This is how you become a wise guide for yourself and others.)

  3. With a short video and worksheet for every one of the 9 steps, each one offering practical and profound tools. Plus, you’ll have 9 1:1 coaching sessions with me that will help you integrate and apply the tools to your life and work.

When you come back, you’ll not only shine brighter…

You will carry the fire of liberation.

When you come back, you’ll not only shine brighter, you’ll have a new model for leadership: leader as wise guide who is connected to the deep cycles of story and the earth.

The Leadership M.A.G.I.C. journey is made up of 9 Lessons. Each one contains wisdom for your transformative change, plus practical, embodied tools for holding healthy power that I have developed in more than 25 years as a leadership coach, activist, movement strategist and ritual storyteller.

Together, these lessons add up to a complete program of inner resources and outer tools.

In the Leadership M.A.G.I.C. program you will…

1.   Set a goal for your journey that is a call to adventure.

2.    Uncover the lies that are holding you back.

3.    Develop your Values Star and find confidence through integrity.

4.   Learn how to navigate uncertainty with wisdom. (This alone is so precious. Imagine!)

5.    Practice a decision-making tool that ends overwhelm.

6.   Face and embrace your shadow in a powerful, healing ritual.

7.    Learn the 3 kinds of time that you need to be the author of your destiny.

8.    Make bold moves toward what really matters.

9.    Live a new story of who you are as a leader, one that you start the minute you begin this journey.

Your Time Is Precious.

And It’s Time For Change.

This is journey teaches life-changing tools through 9 Lessons.

Each of the 9 lessons includes a short video and story sheet – about an hour of exploration for you. Each lesson begins with a bit of story, making that hour a different kind of time: mythic time where deep work happens. Then we’ll meet for your 1:1 coaching session and apply the lesson.

I recommend a rhythm of alternating weeks: a new lesson one week, then a coaching session the next. This breaks down to about an hour per week to accomplish this deep working, over the course of 18 weeks.

Invest in your Leadership

The Leadership M.A.G.I.C program includes a complete curriculum of integrated videos, story, and worksheets plus 9 1:1 coaching sessions with me.

The cost of Leadership M.A.G.I.C. is $3,600. Many of my clients use their professional development budget for this work. If your HR department would like references, please let me know.

What People Are Saying

“This process was life-changing for me –  inside and outside of work.”

– Tania S.

“This is not just walking away with tips and tricks- though there are plenty of those as well. This is about the work of the soul.

— Alex F.